I am a Ph.D student at Czech Technical University. I mainly work on my thesis, "Semantic P2P Search engine", related publications are listed below and in my Google Scholar profile.
Currently, I am Ph.D student at Webing research group at Czech Technical University in Prague. I passed Dissertaion Proposal Defence in summer 2012, taught Java programming in Czech for 1 year.
Sure, there is some experience in server-side programming and maintaining (PHP, Java, MySQL, Debian), management of commercial and non-commercial web-projects. I work over 10 years on the Web, since my first self-bought USRobotics Courier about my 14th birthday.
2nd International Workshop on Advances in Semantic Information Retrieval
3rd Workshop on Software Services: Semantic-based Software Services
Ph.D thesis topic: "Semantic P2P Search engine"
Preparing course of the Czech language for prospective Ph.D students. Certificate of B2 CEFR with grade "excellent" was obtained.
Diploma thesis topic: "Adaptive Web site".
Diploma is recognized at Czech Technical University as Master Degree.
Several certificates were obtained: